The Best Use of Your Quarantine Time

April 27, 2020

The Best Use of Your Quarantine Time

Complete transparency, I’m loving this extra time to get old tasks completed.  But the honest truth is, I’m more busy and in more motion than ever before…I think I’m most afraid that at the end of this time, I’ll be no different, no more organized, have no increased direction in my life or business that I’m afraid to sit still. 

Social media makes you believe that the best use of your time is to organize closets, read a thousand books, put together puzzles with your children and take naps.  I’m to blame…each day, I post a listing of daily things done…more so that I can remember looking back what I actually did each day as each hour is now blending into the next and there are things I don’t want to forget.  Like tie-dying with Maya, like adding the everybody-cooks option, like laughing over crazy TikToks with Cole, and have deep conversations with Tim.  But it could create guilt in others, perhaps their days are much, much slower… long mornings in bed, staying in jammies all day, eating Tostitos with Lime and Girl Scout Cookies all day.

And that is OKAY, too. 

There’s no right way these days.  We all must occupy our moments and travel thru these strange days in the only way we know how, in ways that give us comfort.  I find comfort in building a big list and checking things off.  There’s no wrong way but there’s always a better way.  I do find I’m more focused, more positive, more joyful when I do these five things:


  • Stay away from the News. If nothing else, check in once a day to one preferred channel then turn it off.  Walk away.  Even better, pray for our government, our leaders, our first responders,


  • Drink your water. I’m notorious for not drinking enough water.  (just enough water apparently is ½ your body weight in ounces…it’s a lot more than I consume each day).  I often have a low grade headache right between the eyes which I know is dehydration. (because it goes away when I have successfully consumed enough water).  Yes you pee more, but it’s flushing away all the bad stuff…like the lime flavoring on Tostitos chips ( clearly my weakness). 


  • Reach out to some human each day. Either by call, text, Zoom, or hand written letter, communicate with another soul.  Hopefully you are blessed with at least one human you can be completely honest with (if not, that’s for sure another blog post)…seek them out check on them, listen well, ask good questions.  Caring for another gives purpose and it’s what we’re built for. 


  • Do one thing that brings you Joy each day. Whether it’s drawing or painting, doing your nails, taking a long, weighted blanket nap (they are heavenly),  get out in Nature, dancing hard to your favorite tune, whatever it is that lights you up and stirs your soul, do that.  (If you don’t know what lights you up, well, that’s another good blog post).  Do that one thing, and here’s the best part, do not feel guilty about it.  Savor it and receive that soul-lightening joy. 


  • Take a nap.  I don’t always mean napping, but napping is quite delightful.  Surrender to knowing someone Bigger than you is in charge, is on top of things, has heard your prayers and let it go.  Whatever IT is for you, let IT go.  Rest by carrying a lighter load, Rest by relinquishing your worry onto someone more equipped, Rest and release so you can instead carry joy.  Joy is so much more powerful than worry…I’m fairly certain worry hasn’t solved any problems.  So try something different for a season.  Rest.


You are good stuff, and these are indeed strange times.  I pray you find and receive that perfect peace today.  I pray you and your family are happy and healthy.  I pray for increased wisdom, stature and favor among God and man.  I pray you find joy.

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